Code of undesirable behavior

By organization we mean CMM Services in this Code of Conduct.

By employees we also mean employees, interns and hired persons.
By customers we also mean clients, suppliers and other business partners/relationships.

Code of Conduct
We would like to have satisfied employees and customers within our organization. It is also important to us that our employees have a safe workplace and enjoy doing their work.

How everyone treats each other is critical to this.
Our organization wants this code of conduct to be more than a paper document. Therefore, this code of conduct will also be posted on our website so that it is known to our customers and partners with whom we work. In addition, a copy of the Code of Conduct will be issued to all employees. All employees, customers and cooperation partners must abide by this Code of Conduct in their relationship with or on behalf of our organization. When situations arise where there are differences of opinion regarding the standards and values stated in this Code of Conduct, these can always be discussed with the immediate supervisor.

The goals of this Code of Conduct are:

  • Monitor and maintain the good image of our organization;
  • Being seen as a good employer;
  • Protecting the employee;
  • Combating and preventing bullying, aggression/violence, discrimination, stalking/stalking and (sexual) harassment.

In doing so, the following principles emerge:

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Loyalty

This code of conduct has been developed on the basis of a number of legal provisions. The code derives legal status from these. The rules described in this code of conduct are based on the Working Conditions Act, articles from the Civil Code and articles from the Penal Code.

This code of conduct is intended for all employees, customers and cooperation parties. This code of conduct is transparent for all parties.

Code of conduct
In order to avoid misunderstandings and to show that our organization is committed to certain standards and values, the following is a description of what is expressly prohibited. These guidelines indicate the boundaries of permissible behavior.
If anyone fails to comply with these rules, action may be taken.

‍Thiscould even lead to dismissal (employee) or termination of the cooperation agreement in exceptional situations.

  • Harassment
    Within our organization there is respect for others, therefore it is not permitted to hurt others, humiliate them, make nasty remarks, insult or curse them, openly reprimand them, ignore or socially isolate them, make gestures, gossip, criticize someone's personal life or damage property.

  • Discrimination
    Any form of discrimination based on religion, belief, political affiliation, race, color, physical or mental disability, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or on any ground is not permitted.

  • Harassment
    Swearing, uttering discriminatory language or speaking in a raised voice is prohibited. Physical expressions such as making oneself big, getting in the way or chasing annoyingly are also not accepted. This also applies to making threats. Furthermore, groping is prohibited as well as harassing or chasing another person. In this context, excessive contact may be considered, including contact by telephone or through text messages, apps, emails and other channels such as social media.
  • Sexual harassment
    Any unwelcome sexual attention, expressed through verbal, physical or nonverbal behavior, which may be either intentional or unintentional and which is perceived as unwanted and unpleasant by the person(s) confronted with it, is prohibited.

  • Conflicts of interest
    Any action that may cause the mixing of business and private interests should be avoided to prevent conflicts of interest. This rule implies, without personal interest, acting with fidelity, integrity and professionalism.

  • Theft
  • In case of theft of organizational property, customer or colleague property, a report should be made to the immediate supervisor;
  • A report is filed and a police investigation ensues;
  • During the investigation, an employee is placed on suspension, initially for three weeks;
  • Depending on the outcome of the study, what measures will be taken will be determined.

When an employee of CMM Services is confronted at or by a customer with harassment, aggression/violence, discrimination, (sexual) intimidation or any other form of intimidation, he/she has the right to immediately interrupt the work at or for this customer without this constituting an urgent reason for dismissal within the meaning of article 7:678 Civil Code.

Also, when this occurs, it should be reported to the immediate supervisor.

Complaint handling
Should customers have complaints, they can discuss them with the person concerned. The complaint can also be discussed with the employee's supervisor. The latter will strive to resolve the complaint satisfactorily. In addition, the organization offers the possibility of using a confidential advisor.

Of course, it is also always possible to discuss the complaint with the management of CMM Services after consultation with the supervisor.

In case employees have complaints, they can discuss them with the person (customer) to whom the complaint relates. If this is not possible, or the complaint is not resolved satisfactorily, then the complaint can be submitted to the supervisor. In addition, CMM Services offers the possibility of using a confidential advisor.

CMM Services has complaint regulations. Complaints can be submitted to the HR department.

It is advisable to first contact the confidential advisor associated with CMM Services. This person can inform about the procedure and consequences.

CMM Services' confidential advisor is:

Wanda van Alen


In conclusion
This document is about behavior, norms and values, and measures that can be taken. Fortunately, inadmissible behavior rarely occurs. These are exceptional situations. Nevertheless, CMM Services considers it important to be clear about this with a view to the safety of employees and clients. Let us treat each other with respect. Then a lot is possible.

Code of Conduct entry into force
Both the Management and Change Council of CMM Services have approved this code of conduct and will enter into force on July 8, 2024.